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Jaybird is from southern Illinois.  He is in his early 50’s.  He does some odd jobs but his primary work is in creating folk art.

Because of life choices, he has never made a lot of money but does what he enjoys doing.

He had his power turned off once and even created folk art in the dark, using a kerosene lantern when it really got dark….Now that is true determination and proves that the urge to create cannot be stamped out!

He uses objects that he has on hand…corrugated cardboard, crayons, bright sign paint, found wood, markers and twine.  Some of these pieces  are from that down and out time. 

He is still struggling but he is still making art. He recently found a gallon bucket full of buttons and toy pieces that he’s now using in his creations.

His prices are affordable now.  Be one of the first that gets in on the ground-floor with this “obsessive-compulsive” creator of folk art.  You’re going to enjoy watching Jaybird take his place in the folk art world.




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