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George E. Borum

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I first met George selling his artwork at a flea market in 1988.

Little did I know then, that that day would change both of our lives forever.  We kept in contact with each other.  I was living in Indiana and George was living in Southern Illinois.

He called one day and invited me to travel to Owensboro, KY to see a Rev. Howard Finster Folk Art Exhibit.*  That visit started a life-long love of folk art for both of us.  After a while we decided to end the long distance relationship and get married. 

I asked George if he would like to get married in Summerville, Ga. by Rev. Howard Finster.  After all, he started it all!! George didn’t think I could pull it off but I did! We will always remember that day. It was a beautiful Sunday in October. Howard’s daughter Beverly and her daughter Heather and Howard’s granddaughter Cynthia Finster were witnesses. Over 50 strangers attended our ceremony!

George has always been an artist…sign painter, graphic artist, printer, etc.  He is the most creative person that I have ever known! George is now doing folk art full time.  He loves it with a passion! Unfortunately, he’s color blind and many times it shows up in unusual color combinations in his work.

He works mostly with a bold palette of primary colors but his patriotic sense is reflected in his regular use of red, white and blue stars and striped themes.

He does flat work, assemblages, cutouts, and his “signature signposts” and also applies his whimsy to many objects like chairs, stools, frames, jugs, etc.

George and I both have a great love of blues music and blues musicians. They are so REAL....not phoney....very approachable and easy to get to know. We love them just like we do the dozens of folk artists that we know

Because George and his Dad have the same name my George turned his last name around and became “MUROB“ to save on the confusion.

The late HOWARD FINSTER, a Baptist minister for 40 years, is known as the “GODFATHER of Folk Art” or the “Patron Saint of Folk Art”. More than anyone else he is responsible for the start of the folk art movement back in the 70’s and 80’s. He created PARADISE GARDENS in Summerville, GA and over 40,000 pieces of folk art.

Please check out Rev. Hoeward Finsters bio and the links to his web sites. We feel so fortunate to have been married by such a world famous icon of the art world.






See George on Short Video about Shiphewana IN



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