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R. A. Miller


R A MILLER Born in 1912 near Rabbittown Ga. He lived all his 

life on the property where was born.

His father died before R.A. was born…at 12 years old his Mother

said I’m going to let you quit school now (7th grade) and go to

work at the local Cotton Mill. His hours were… 6 am to 6 pm…he

earned $6.00 a week.  He worked at the same mill for 40 years.

He also was an ordained minister in the Free Will Baptist Church

and preached for many many years.

In his 60’s, he started losing his eyesight due to glaucoma.

To keep busy he started making whirligigs and metal animal

and human cut-outs and filling his yard with dozens of his creations.

He sold his cutouts for $5 to $50.ºº.   His folk art environment

was featured in many magazines, newspapers and TV shows. 

The rock group REM filmed their video “Pretty Persuasions”

in his yard environment.

When we first met him, he asked Sheila if she liked “that crap”….

she said she did and he said “I don’t understand it…but if people

want ‘em…I’ll keep making ‘em”


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