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Maria del Sol

maria-del-sol-600.jpgmaria-logo-border.jpg Maria believes...."to be creative is to be alive"

Teaching children to boldly create takes much of her time.  She previously owned her own art teaching studio, she's taught at recreation centers and in the public schools.  

Not only is she inspired by children’s art, but the vibrantly colored folk art that fills the street markets of Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala has wooed Maria for decades.  There, everyday people make a living using their skills to masterfully create weavings, paintings, carvings, etc. . All made by hand...and...crafted with love. 

She’s spent most of her life helping others to create art and appreciating the art of others. Recently she has been encouraged to create some folk art of her own.  And so it began.  

Her paintings are VERY COLORFUL with a South of the Border Feel.

We love 'em and hope you do too! 


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