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Sam Ezell



North Carolina native SAM EZELL has been a General

Maintenance man since the 70's. He also owns and

operates an Antique, Collectors & Folk Art Store.

He started painting at the request of his famed folk artist friend, Bernice Sims.

Sam uses bold shapes and colors in his paintings....his creations

are much in demand and he is represented in several galleries.

His famous chickens come in many different colors...Sam says:

"Folk art doesn't have to match any color scheme in your house".

Sam is one of the kindest men you'll ever meet. He always has

a smile on his face and plenty of stories to share.

He can entertain you for hours!!!

We are happy to have Sam here at Possum County™.

Your Folk Art collection isn't complete without some of Sam's creations.



Sad News...Sam's losing his eyesight...here's the story


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